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Events / API #

Client to server#

Below you can find some info on the server events that must be triggered by the client.

Note: When using livemap:AddPlayerData or livemap:UpdatePlayerData if the player has been removed using livemap:RemovePlayer they will be tracked again.

livemap:AddPlayerData(key, data)#

Adds data to a player that gets sent over the Websocket.

Parameters #


  • Type: string
  • Description: The name of the data to add to the player (e.g. "name").


  • Type: any
  • Description: The value of the data being added (e.g. "TGRHavoc")

Examples #

-- Set the player's "Name" to "Havoc"
TriggerServerEvent("livemap:AddPlayerData", "Name", "Havoc")

-- Pseudo code to add the player's age after they set it 
RegisterEventHandler("playerSetAgeTo", function(newAge)
    TriggerServerEvent("livemap:AddPlayerData", "Age", newAge)

livemap:UpdatePlayerData(key, data)#

Updates the data that is associated with the player. Uses the same "key" as the above event.

Note: If the player doesn't have any data with the given key, it will be added.

Parameters #


  • Type: string
  • Description: The name of the data to update on the player (e.g. "name").


  • Type: any
  • Description: The value of the data being updated (e.g. "Some Other Name")

Examples #

-- Update the player's name to "John Doe"
TriggerServerEvent("livemap:UpdatePlayerData", "Name", "John Doe")

-- Pseudo code to update the player's name when they change it
if PlayerChangesName(PlayerId()) then
    TriggerServerEvent("livemap:UpdatePlayerData", "Name", GetPlayerName(PlayerId()))


Removed data associated with the player. Uses the same "key" as the above events.


If at any point after this, you call the AddPlayerData or UpdatePlayerData events the data will be added back to the player.

Parameters #


  • Type: string
  • Description: The name of the data to remove from the player (e.g. "name").

Examples #

-- Remove "Name" from the player (stops displaying it in the UI)
TriggerServerEvent("livemap:RemovePlayerData",  "Name")

-- Pseudo code to remove player's who age is less then 18
if GetPlayerAge(PlayerId()) < 18 then
    TriggerServerEvent("livemap:RemovePlayerData", "Age")


Stops sending the player's data over websockets.


If at any point after this, you call the AddPlayerData or UpdatePlayerData events the data added will be sent.

This event should only be used if you know for 100% sure that no more data should be sent to the interface (e.g. if the player leaves the server).

Parameters #

This events requires no parameters to be set.

Examples #

-- Pseudo code to remove a player if they leave
if NetworkIsPlayerActive(PlayerId()) then
    -- DO stuff to update the player data

Server Events#

Below you can find information on some server-only events. These can only be called on the server.

livemap:internal_AddPlayerData(identifier, key, data)#

Adds data with the key that gets sent over Websockets for the player with the specified identifier.

Parameters #


  • Type: string
  • Description: The identifier of the player (e.g. "steam:00000000000"). Usually gotten by the GetPlayerIdentifier native.


  • Type: string
  • Description: The name of the data to add to the player (e.g. "name").


  • Type: any
  • Description: The value of the data being added (e.g. "TGRHavoc")

Examples #

-- Pseudo code to add player data when player spawns
AddEventHandler("playerSpawned", function()
    -- Get the player's identifier
    identifier = GetPlayerIdentifier(source, 0)
    -- Set the player's "Name" to their name
    TriggerEvent("livemap:internal_AddPlayerData", identifier, "Name", GetPlayerName(source))

livemap:internal_UpdatePlayerData(identifier, key, data)#

Updated the data that is associated with the player with the identifier.

Parameters #


  • Type: string
  • Description: The identifier of the player (e.g. "steam:00000000000"). Usually gotten by the GetPlayerIdentifier native.


  • Type: string
  • Description: The name of the data to update on the player (e.g. "name").


  • Type: any
  • Description: The value that the data should be updated to (e.g. "Havoc's Real Name")

Examples #

-- Pseudo code to change players name when they change it
AddEventHandler("playerHasChangedNameByDead", function()
    -- Get the player's identifier
    identifier = GetPlayerIdentifier(source, 0)
    -- Set the player's "Name" to their name
    TriggerEvent("livemap:internal_UpdatePlayerData", identifier, "Name", GetPlayerName(source))

livemap:internal_RemovePlayerData(identifier, key)#

Removed the data that is associated with the player with the identifier.

Parameters #


  • Type: string
  • Description: The identifier of the player (e.g. "steam:00000000000"). Usually gotten by the GetPlayerIdentifier native.


  • Type: string
  • Description: The name of the data to update on the player (e.g. "name").

Examples #

-- Pseudo code to remove player's age if they're under 18
AddEventHandler("playerHasAged", function(newAge)
    -- Get the player's identifier
    identifier = GetPlayerIdentifier(source, 0)

    if newAge < 18 then 
        TriggerEvent("livemap:internal_RemovePlayerData", identifier, "Age")


Removes a player from the websocket data array (stops tracking the player)

Parameters #


  • Type: string
  • Description: The identifier of the player (e.g. "steam:00000000000"). Usually gotten by the GetPlayerIdentifier native.

Examples #

-- Pseudo code to remove a player when they leave the server
AddEventHandler("playerLeft", function()
    -- Get the player's identifier
    identifier = GetPlayerIdentifier(source, 0)
    TriggerEvent("livemap:internal_RemovePlayer", identifier)